
What Is Generative AI?

What Is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a subfield of artificial intelligence focused on creating new content, ideas or solutions that did not previously exist.


SOLID Principles and SRE

SOLID Principles and SRE

SOLID Principles What is Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)? What is Open Closed Principle (OCP)? What is Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)?


System Design for SRE's

System Design for SRE's

Maybe you’re thinking: SRE’s shouldn’t care about system design right? Right? No, that’s not the case! SRE’s should always care and should be able to design complex and distributed systems.


What Is Ansible

What Is Ansible

Hi folks, here is another great video about Ansible. Please, check it out, I hope you enjoy it! Ansible is a universal language, unraveling the mystery of how work gets done.


Agile Manifesto

Agile Manifesto

Hi folks, is always important to remember the basics about the Agile manifesto. It was released by a group of folks that were focused in improve the Software Development.


What Is Terraform

What Is Terraform

What is Terraform? Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.


What Is Infrastructure as Code

What Is Infrastructure as Code

What is Infrastructure as Code? Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the management of infrastructure (networks, virtual machines, load balancers, and connection topology) in a descriptive model, using the same versioning as DevOps team uses for source code.


School of SRE

School of SRE

Hi folks, today I want to share a simple tip about this great study material, about SRE practices. We can explore and contribute about this material as released by LinkedIn SRE teams.


Docker Hub

Docker Hub

Hi there, you might know about Docker images and Dockerfiles. But where can you Push or Pull your images when they are ready to be used?


Docker Docs

Docker Docs

Docker Docs - Best Practices for Dockerfiles Let’s talk about best practices for writing Dockerfiles. In the last years, we are experiencing improvements on the way Dockerfiles should be structured.


Lens the Kubernetes Ide

Lens the Kubernetes Ide

Hi folks, today I’ll talk about the Kubernetes IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that can be very helpfull. LENS is a standalone application for MacOS, Windows and Linux.


What Is Helm?

What Is Helm?

Today, let’s talk about Helm. What is Helm? Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes. Helm is the best way to find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes.


What Is SRE?

What Is SRE?

What Is SRE? SRE or Site reliability Engineering is a practice supported by skilled engineers, to establish and adhere to availability targets, service level objectives (SLOs), and error budgets set by end users.


Agile Daily Scrum

Agile Daily Scrum

Daily Scrum Each day of the Sprint, the team holds a daily meeting, called the Daily Scrum. It aims to disseminate knowledge about what was done the previous day, identify impediments and prioritize the work to be done on the day that begins.


Agile Scrum Teams

Agile Scrum Teams

Scrum Team The Scrum Team is the development team. There, there is not necessarily a functional division through traditional roles, such as programmer, designer, test analyst or architect.


5 DevOps Tools You Should Know

5 DevOps Tools You Should Know

Software teams today are tasked with delivering automation across a diverse set of DevOps workflows. They must support a broad portfolio of applications and tools, while also serving the needs of different personas, inlcuding developers, SREs, and QA testers.


Devops What Is Devops

Devops What Is Devops

What is DevOps? This is sometimes a very common applied term that can be misunderstood. Definition DevOps is an IT management philosophy that seeks to improve and speed up the delivery of software and services to users.


Software Architecture

Software Architecture

Software Architecture The software architecture of a system consists of defining the software components, their external properties, and their relationships with other software.


Docker on Practice

Docker on Practice

Docker in Practice: How to build an application with Docker? Hey guys, all right? Do you already know Docker? Today I’m here to talk quickly about a very relevant topic for those who develop applications and publish in different cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Heroku, or even Google Cloud Platform, among others.


SRE Toil

SRE Toil

Toil is the kind of work tied to running a production service that tends to be manual, repetitive, automatable, tactical, devoid of enduring value, and that scales linearly as a service grows.


SRE Tools

SRE Tools

Site Reliability Engineering Tools set Understand SRE approach not written in stone, its all on organization i.e see on which tech organization is working, and accordingly adopt the required tools.


SRE Principles

SRE Principles

SRE Principles Embracing risk Service Level Objectives (SLO) Eliminate repetitive or unnecessary work Monitor distributed systems Automation Launch engineering Simplicity Please, follow our social networks:


Site Reliability Engineering Dashboards

Site Reliability Engineering Dashboards

Here follows some sample SRE dashboards in Grafana. SRE Grafana Dashboard - 1 SRE Grafana Dashboard - 2 SRE Grafana Dashboard - 3 SRE Grafana Dashboard - 4 SRE Grafana Dashboard - 5 SRE Grafana Dashboard - 6 http://demo.


SRE Live 2020

SRE Live 2020

Live with Vinicius Moll at Rodrigo Branas Youtube channel! Click on the Video to access the live: 👇👇👇👇👇 Schedule: SRE - What does Site Reliability Engineering - SRE mean?


SRE Live 2020

SRE Live 2020

Live with Vinicius Moll at Rodrigo Branas Youtube channel! Click on the Video to access the live: 👇👇👇👇👇 Schedule: SRE - What does Site Reliability Engineering - SRE mean?


SRE Tips Youtube Channel

SRE Tips Youtube Channel

SRE Tips new channel is on Youtube Please, follow our social networks: Twitter Instagram Youtube Stay tunned! Thank You and until the next one!


class SRE implements Devops

class SRE implements Devops

SLI / SLO / SLA Service Level Indicator A carefully defined quantitative measure of some aspect of the level of service that is provided.


SRE Mindset

SRE Mindset

The mindset of an SRE should be simple: You built it, you run it You can be an SRE, DevOps, Developer, QA and Product Manager at the same time.


Agile vs DevOps vs SRE

Agile vs DevOps vs SRE

Agile: Set of principles for software development lifecycle that promotes small, manageable changes quickly, ongoing collaboration, early delivery of working software, and continuous improvement in support of a business mission.


SRE Books

SRE Books

SRE Book Tips In this article, I want to recommend five books, including the one that I strongly recommend reading and acquiring because it also addresses aspects of your SRE career is: Real World SRE
